Bus Transfers:

In computer architecture, bus systems are generally classified into two types: Parallel Bus and Serial Bus.

A Parallel Bus consists of multiple data lines, each capable of transferring individual bits simultaneously. This parallel transmission results in higher data transfer speeds, making it efficient for large data volumes.

A Serial Bus uses fewer lines for data transfer, with bits sent sequentially along a single or few lines. Although this method is slower compared to a parallel bus.

Serial Bus Transfer:

A Serial Bus can be implemented using Decoders and 3-state buffer gates. In this setup, multiple 3-state buffer gates are connected to each output of the decoder.

The purpose of using 3-state buffer gates is to prevent interference on the single data line, which handles the transmission of multiple data signals sequentially.

Bus Transfers using decoder

Parallel Bus Transfers:

A Parallel Bus can be constructed using Multiplexers. Multiple multiplexers are arranged such that the output lines of each multiplexer form the individual data lines of the parallel bus. This configuration allows for the simultaneous transmission of multiple bits across the bus, with each multiplexer contributing to a separate line in the parallel communication system.

mux bus transfer

Select Lines combination S1S0 Register Selected
00 Register A
01 Register B
10 Register C
11 Register D

Memory Transfers:

Memory transfers refer to the process of moving data between a specific memory location and a register. These transfers can occur in either direction: from memory to a register or from a register to memory.

A transfer from Memory to Register is known as a READ operation, while a transfer from Register to Memory is called a WRITE operation.

Memory Read Operation: 

A memory read operation first searches for a location in the memory and then transfers the value located at that location to a register


Memory Write Operation: A memory write operation simply extracts data from a register and transfers it to a memory location.





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