Aspect Horizontal Microprogramming Vertical Microprogramming
Microinstruction Structure Microinstructions are simple and contain single control signals or operations. Microinstructions are detailed and contain all control signals needed for an instruction or operation.
Organization Microinstructions are organized horizontally, with each bit or field representing a specific control signal. Microinstructions are organized vertically, with each microinstruction containing all control signals for an instruction.
Instruction Execution Control signals are executed in parallel across multiple control lines or functional units. Control signals are executed sequentially, with each microinstruction representing a complete set of control signals for an instruction.
Complexity Less complex microinstructions, suitable for CPUs with simple instruction sets or control requirements. More complex microinstructions, suitable for CPUs with complex instruction sets or control requirements.
Efficiency Efficient for fast execution of individual control operations. Offers flexibility for detailed control sequencing and coordination.
Example In a simple CPU, a horizontal microinstruction might activate the ALU, increment the program counter, and set flags in parallel. In a more complex CPU, a vertical microinstruction might specify all control signals needed to execute a specific instruction, such as a LOAD or ADD operation, in sequence.


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