Unit 1 of BCS302 Computer Organization and Architecture COA
Introduction: Difference between CO and CA
Functional units of digital system and their interconnections
Buses and bus architecture
Types of buses and bus arbitration
Bus and memory transfer
Processor organization
General registers organization
Stack Organization and Addressing Modes
Unit 2 of BCS302 Computer Organization and Architecture COA

Arithmetic and logic unit: Look ahead carries adders. Multiplication: Signed operand multiplication, Booths algorithm and array multiplier. Division and logic operations. Floating point arithmetic operation, Arithmetic & logic unit design. IEEE Standard for Floating Point Numbers

Unit 3 of BCS302 Computer Organization and Architecture COA

Control Unit: Instruction types, formats, instruction cycles and sub cycles (fetch and execute etc), micro operations, execution of a complete instruction. Program Control, Reduced Instruction Set Computer, Pipelining. Hardwire and micro programmed control: micro programme sequencing, concept of horizontal and vertical microprogramming.

Unit 4 of  BCS302 Computer Organization and Architecture COA

Memory: Basic concept and hierarchy, semiconductor RAM memories, 2D & 2 1/2D memory organization. ROM memories. Cache memories: concept and design issues & performance, address mapping and replacement Auxiliary memories: magnetic disk, magnetic tape and optical disks Virtual memory: concept implementation.

Unit 5 of BCS302 Computer Organization and Architecture COA

Input / Output: Peripheral devices, I/O interface, I/O ports, Interrupts: interrupt hardware, types of interrupts and exceptions. Modes of Data Transfer: Programmed I/O, interrupt initiated I/O and Direct Memory Access., I/O channels and processors. Serial Communication: Synchronous & asynchronous communication, standard communication interfaces.

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Why you should read Computer Organization and Architecture COA:

Hey there, curious minds! Ever wondered what’s under the hood of your computer or how your smartphone works its wonders? Well, it’s time to embark on an exciting journey into the world of Computer Organization and Architecture, lovingly known as COA. But why should you read COA? Let’s uncover the friendly and straightforward reasons together.

1. Unveil the Hidden Wonders

Think of your computer as a magical treasure chest filled with wonders. When you click or tap, it obeys your commands like a loyal genie. But wouldn’t you love to peek inside and understand how this digital magic happens? That’s precisely what COA offers. It’s like a magic map that guides you through the enchanting world inside your devices, revealing how they process data, make decisions, and perform their digital ballet.

2. Become a Tech Detective

Have you ever faced a slow computer or a cryptic error message that left you scratching your head? COA is your Sherlock Holmes kit for such tech mysteries. It equips you with the skills to be a tech detective, helping you diagnose and solve computer conundrums. No more feeling lost when your device acts up—COA empowers you to unravel the mysteries of technology.

3. Create, Don’t Just Consume

Do you dream of designing your own video games, apps, or maybe even the next big tech innovation? COA is your secret ingredient. It’s like having a magic wand that lets you command computers to do your bidding. You’ll grasp how to make technology work for you, turning your creative ideas into digital realities.

4. COA: Not Just for Tech Wizards

You might be thinking, “Is COA only for computer geniuses?” Not at all! COA is a welcoming playground for anyone with curiosity. It’s like an open book where you can explore and learn. You don’t need to be a tech wizard to enjoy the wonders of COA; it’s a journey for everyone.

5. Grasp the Bigger Picture

COA isn’t just about circuits and codes; it’s about understanding the grand tapestry of technology. From smartphones that fit in your pocket to smart homes that seem straight out of sci-fi, COA helps you see the bigger picture. It’s like wearing special glasses that reveal the digital wizardry happening all around us.

6. Learning That’s Fun

Worried that COA might be boring lectures and tedious textbooks? Think again! COA is a delightful blend of learning and fun. It’s like solving intriguing puzzles or playing with cool building blocks. It’s hands-on, engaging, and absolutely exciting.

So, here’s the scoop: reading COA isn’t just about studying; it’s about exploring, understanding, and having a blast with technology. It’s your key to unlock the secrets of the digital universe.

Ready to embark on this thrilling adventure into the world of COA? Trust us; it’s a journey you won’t want to miss. So, grab your curiosity and let’s dive into the magic together!


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